
Day 10 Teaching of Reading – Strategies Standards I to III

Read aloud poem: The Lone Dog by Irene Rutherford McLeod (1891-1968)

Read aloud story: The Lion and the Mouse by Eric Carle

We explored different types of reading, namely antiphonal reading and guided reading.

Reading aloud is appropriate not just for holding a groups attention, but it also encourages strong readers and weaker readers to take part in reading as a fun exercise.  It also makes for good practice and performance as a chorale group.  Learners may read together in unison, all at the same time.  Readers may also read in an echo where the teacher reads and the learners repeat exactly what was voiced.  These are exercises about reading aloud.

Antiphonal reading which follows a call and answer pattern can be performed in groups.  One group reads a line aloud, followed by another group for the alternative lines, or as directed. The placement of the lines on the page cues the pattern of reading.

In a shared reading activity the teacher reads aloud while the learner follows in their copy of the text.

Buddy reading refers to two students reading a text together.

In independent reading the student selects the text and reads on their own.

Other types of reading discussed included forms of oral reading such as: paired, cloze, mumble, whisper, imitative & choral

Reading Strategy: Direct Inquiry Activity

This strategy invites the reader to answer the following questions as six (6) points of inquiry:

  1. Who?
  2. What?
  3. Where?
  4. When?
  5. Why?
  6. How?
  • Teacher gives students a passage to read from reading material
  • Students predict the responses
  • Teacher or students record the students’ responses
  • Students read the responses
  • Students reread the passage
  • Students critically compare their predictions with the actual material

The DIA came out of the DRTA, Direct Reading Thinking Activity of Russell G. Stauffer.

For guided reading it was stressed that the strategy be implemented with a small group of children, approximately five children.


Teacher’s Duty:

  • Choose reading material appropriate for the learner’s level
  • Ensure the reading material is interesting
  • Introduce the material by encouraging the learner to make predictions based on the title and the picture elements of the text
  • Demonstrate the reading process by reading with the learner and pointing to the words
  • Allow the learner to voice the material as they join in during the teacher’s read aloud
  • Analyse the reading material and prepare questions for inquiry to challenge the reader’s understanding, and to encourage the learner to apply

We also looked at homographs and consonant rules and teaching word structure.


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