Day 4 Teaching of Reading – Ready or Not
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs by A. Wolf as told to Jon Scieszka and illustrated by Lane Smith was an amazing read-aloud! It certainly wet my appetite to read aloud, twists on children stories that have been staple favourites. The poem Words added a soothing contrast to the read-aloud story to prepare me for the evening’s lecture.
One reflective takeaway was that learners learn best when they are READY. Whether relevant meaningful instruction is given or active participation and practice is encouraged, or modalities such as Reader’s theatre is employed the student will not learn until they are interested and ready. For different learners being ready has different meanings. The tactile learner, for example, responds best to the sense of touch; being able to turn the pages or feel different textures or objects related to the lesson stimulates their need for a hands on experience.
Another key point was that the reading process is complete only when comprehension is attained. Some persons may be able to call the words of a sentence but do not understand the idea or expressed thought that the group of words is meant to convey.
I am now more aware of the importance of order in a lesson. Order exists in our sequence of reading from left to right and from top to bottom. Order helps to orient the learner and create patterns of expectation. For example this class will not be the same for me if Sister Annetta does not start with a story and/ or a poem as I look forward to this initial engagement before we dive into the lecture.
Equally important is the material shared with the learner. It must be something of interest. Males may be more sensory and perceptual learners while females may be more affective learners. A learner’s experience influences their engagement with learning.
We had to create an alphabet related to our learning. Enjoy!
A attitude B books C call & answer D draw, dictate E excitement F focus G grasp content H hear I inspire, interpret J join the fun K knowledge L listen, love reading M message, motivate, moral N new material O orate P pace oneself, poetry, prepare Q quiet place, question R repeat, relax S syntax, social process T talk & tell, translate U utter, understand V visualize W write, wissdom, win X xenial Y youth, yes we can read Z zeal